Programming Principle and Algorithm :
Here, allbca provide you very-very important topics of Programming principle and algorithm (PPA) Notes, for your Sem 1st exam preparation and to increase your knowledge. We are 100% sure, that it will pass you in the Programming principle and algorithm (PPA) Exam. And you will have very good marks. Section 'C' contains 15 marks, Section 'B' 7.1/2 marks and Section 'A' 3 marks. 'Stars' represents the possibility of that particular question arrive in the exam. So read them all carefully.Section 'C' (15 marks) : Programming Principle and Algorithm
Q1. 'Function'? with examples?Ans. (click here) ★★★
Q2. 'Recursion' with example? (Recursion program example)
Ans. (click here) ★★★
Q3. Write a program of 'Even-Odd' number?
Ans. (click here) ★★
Q4. 'Operator'? different types of operator in 'C'?
Ans. (click here) ★
Q5. 'Loops'? All loops with example? its uses?
Ans. (click here) ★
Q6. 'Storage Class'?
Ans. (click here) ★
Section 'B' (7.1/2 marks)
Q1. 'Flowchart'? with example? Various symbols?Ans. (click here) ★★★
Q2. 'Time Complexity'? (vs. Space Complexity) with example?
Ans. (click here) ★★★
Q3. 'Swapping'?
Ans. (click here) ★★
Q4. 'Break' and 'Continue' Statement?
Ans. (click here) ★
Q5. 'Nested-if-else' and 'If-else'? with example?
Ans. (click here) ★
Q6. 'Identifier'?
Ans. (click here) ★
Q7. 'Problem solving techniques'?
Ans. (click here) ★
Q8. (Notations)/'Best','Wrost','Average Case'?
Ans. (click here) ★
Section 'A' (3 marks)
Q1. 'Algorithm'? with example?Ans. (click here) ★★★★
Q2. 'Datatypes'?
Ans. (click here) ★★
Q3. 'Pre-processor Directives'?
Ans. (click here) ★
Q4. 'Structure'?
Ans. (click here) ★
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