Organizational Behavior Notes : ALLBCA
Here, allbca provide you very-very important topics of Organizational Behavior Notes, for your Sem 2nd exam preparation and to increase your knowledge. We are 100% sure, that it will pass you in the Organizational Behavior Notes Exam. And you will have very good marks. Section 'C' contains 15 marks, Section 'B' 7.1/2 marks and Section 'A' 3 marks. 'Stars' represents the possibility of that particular question arrives in the exam. So read them all carefully.Section 'C' (15 marks) : Organizational Behavior Notes
Q1. Stress? (and its sources, symptoms) (stress management) (effects) (techniques)Ans. (click here) ★★★★★
Q2. Conflict? (sources and how to solve interpersonal conflict) (nature and process)
Ans. (click here) ★★★★★
Q3. Group Dynamics and Group Functions?
Ans. (click here) ★★★★
Q4. Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Conflict? (and levels)
Ans. (click here) ★★★
Q5. Job Satisfaction?
Ans. (click here) ★★★
Q6. Theory X and Theory Z (Y)?
Ans. (click here) ★★★
Q7. Cultural Diversity in Organisation? (organization culture affects employees efficiency)
Ans. (click here) ★★
Section 'B' (7.1/2 marks)
Q1. Group Decision? (effectiveness)Ans. (click here) ★★★★★
Q2. Organization Behaviour? (models) (need and importance) (level) (goal)
Ans. (click here) ★★★★★
Q3. Personality? (importance in organization culture to important) (factor) (five big traits)
Ans. (click here) ★★★★
Q4. Leadership? (types of leadership and styles) (effective leader) (characteristic) (functions)
Ans. (click here) ★★★★
Q5. Group? (types) (effects on group)
Ans. (click here) ★★★
Q6. Perception? (importance in studying organization behavior) (person how to make judgment) (how to improve perception)
Ans. (click here) ★★★
Q7. Organization Climate?
Ans. (click here) ★★
Q8. Locus of Control?
Ans. (click here) ★
Q9. Employee Counselling?
Ans. (click here) ★
Q10. Need Hierarchy Theory (Maslow's)?
Ans. (click here) ★
Q11. Herzber'g two factor Theory?
Ans. (click here) ★
Section 'A' (3 marks)
Q1. Personality? (type A and type B)Ans. (click here) ★★★
Q2. Leader Vs Manager?
Ans. (click here) ★
Q3. Grievances? (types)
Ans. (click here) ★
Q4. Perceptual? (process and errors)
Ans. (click here) ★
Q5. Organisation Development Process?
Ans. (click here) ★
Q6. Theory of Group Formation? (stages in group development)
Ans. (click here) ★
Q7. Team Building Vs Team Work?
Ans. (click here) ★
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[ Topic= Organizational Behavior Notes ]
[ Topic= Organizational Behavior Notes ]
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